CHARLOTTE – A burgeoning city demands a burgeoning university – and North Carolina’s largest city has one. “From the beginning, going all the way back to our founding in 1946 … this place has been all about opportunity,” UNC Charlotte Chancellor Philip Dubois says in the accompanying video. “We offer opportunity, as in the view… READ MORE
Fastest-growing UNC campus
CHARLOTTE – The fastest-growing campus in the UNC System has energy. But with that growth come challenges. “We have gained about 4,600 students since 2009,” UNC Charlotte Chancellor Philip Dubois says in the accompanying video. In fact, UNC Charlotte alone accounts for 35% of the growth in enrollment in the entire 17-campus UNC System since… READ MORE
49er Finish: 93% completion
CHARLOTTE – Not everyone takes a straight-line path to a college degree. At the ‘Aim Higher, Achieve More’ forum hosted recently by the Higher Education Works Foundation, UNC System President Margaret Spellings singled out the 49er Finish program at UNC Charlotte, which re-enrolls students who leave school with 90 hours of credit and helps them… READ MORE
UNCG/GTCC/ACC: Building expectations for a 4-year degree
GREENSBORO – There are fancy names for the partnerships UNC Greensboro announced last week to make it easier for students from Guilford Technical Community College and Alamance Community College to transfer to UNCG and earn bachelor’s and in some cases master’s degrees.1 But for UNCG Provost Dana Dunn, it’s about building expectations – especially among… READ MORE
UNC Charlotte Chancellor: Access and opportunity for every deserving student
By PHILIP L. DUBOIS CHARLOTTE – Founded just 70 years ago to educate veterans returning from World War II, what is today known as UNC Charlotte remains committed to its original mission to provide access to the benefits of higher education for every deserving student. The 278 veterans who enrolled in the Charlotte Center of the… READ MORE
UNCC creates partnerships between students, businesses
By Paul Nowell UNC Charlotte CHARLOTTE – UNC Charlotte economics professor Matthew Metzgar teaches Managerial Economics, a requirement for all majors in the Belk College of Business. With about 275 students, the course covers basic business concepts such as demand, cost, production, and market analysis. So Metzgar decided to make it more hands-on for… READ MORE
UNCC, UNCSA, UNCG employees recognized with Governor’s Awards
In addition to the award for Lindsay Recchie from NC State University, employees at several other UNC system campuses were recognized Tuesday with the Governor’s Award for Excellence: Lebra Nance of UNC Charlotte’s William States Lee College of Engineering “radiates positivity” and treats students as if they are her own children, her coworkers and former… READ MORE
Learning how bees talk at UNC Charlotte
CHARLOTTE – At a time when honey bees are in serious – and mysterious – decline, Dr. Stanley Schneider and his students are figuring out how the bees talk. Schneider, a biology professor at UNC Charlotte, describes teaching as a “contagious enthusiasm” that captures students’ imaginations. Schneider believes taking part in research is the primary… READ MORE
Connect NC bonds would fill critical STEM needs
By Susan D. DeVore President & CEO, Premier, Inc. Trustee, UNC Charlotte According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, healthcare represents our nation’s largest and fastest growing employment sector, generating close to 20 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), and projected to increase 10.8 percent, adding 15.6 million more jobs, by 2022. By and… READ MORE
UNC Charlotte Chancellor: ‘A sense of urgency’ to March 15 bond vote
By Philip L. Dubois Chancellor, UNC Charlotte UNC Charlotte’s interest in the bond issue is a proposed $90 million science facility that is crucial to ensuring our continuing ability to respond to ever-increasing demand for enrollment among well-qualified freshmen and transfer students. For UNC Charlotte, there is definitely a sense of urgency concerning this bond… READ MORE